Thursday, June 25, 2015

Jilala by Request, plus Recent Interweb Goodness

By request, here are two albums of Jilala music that were previously offered at the now defunct WwW.ZizMp3.CoM. These are very nice recordings of a group from Fes. There's more Jilala music in the stash if you like this intense stuff.

S'hab el Hal - Variétés Jilalia (Mounawaates Jilalia)
Volume 1 - get it here.
Volume 2 - get it here.

Meanwhile, kind souls across the interwebs continue to share Moroccan goodies. Here are a few recent gems:

Lokman_ud launches his new blog أرشيف لقمان with a FANTASTIC cassette of Mahmoud Guinia. My copy of this went missing years ago, so it's wonderful to hear it again. The percussion is, for the most part, not metal qarqabas, but something lighter, and Mahmoud's guinbri playing here is more laid back than usual, though the riffing is just as righteous. Overall, it's got a warmer sound than your typical Gnawa music cassette. It's a delight, and you should visit this page and download it right away!

Meanwhile Tawfiq at the venerable blog Oriental Traditional Music from LPs & Cassettes dropped a lovely album of Qur'an recitation by Abderrahim Abdelmoumen, a Moroccan reciter who is also versed in Moroccan Andalusian Sufi singing. It's rare to hear Moroccan melodies and vocal stylings in Qur'an recitation, so this is a real treat. You can find it here.

Phocéephone recently shared a nice 1960's chaâbi 45 from Felix el Maghrebi. There's some info on Felix from Chris of Jewish Maghrib Jukebox here and here.

Chris recently shared a rare 78RPM recording of the Jewish liturgical chant "Adon Olam", recorded in the 1950s by Moroccan singer Judah Sebag.

And finally, Gary of Bodega Pop has been hosting a fantastic weekly radio program on WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio online, called Bodega Pop Live. A few months back, he devoted an entire 3-hour program to Moroccan music, covering a LOT of styles and time periods. The program is still archived online, and you can listen here.


  1. Thank you @tim abdellah for sharing and you amazing comments

  2. the flute used in the second recordings (jilala) is the gasba?

    1. Yes, that's right. (I just added a tag/label to the post.)

    2. are two different types of gasba that used in the two recordings ??

    3. are two different types of gasba that used in the two recordings ?

    4. Good ear! - Yes, the one used in Vol 2 does have a different timbre - less raspy. I don't know if there's a different name for that flute, if it's constructed differently, etc. I've heard a similar-sounding flute played by the Jajouka group, and I believe they call it a lira or nira. But that may just be a different regional name for gasba. I don't know.

  3. maybe is this flute?

    certainly is not the classic gasba of bamboo


  5. Wow, good! the jilala is a sufi confraternity?? is not famous come gnawa, aisawa and hamadcha

  6. The "varietes jilalia vol. 2" is edited digitally.

  7. hey tim
    do you have a saved copy of that Mahmoud Guinia cassette you could upload? Would love to hear it but the original blog has been removed :(

    1. That's too bad. Looks like his links are still live, though. See here:

  8. تنتسب الطريقة الجيلالية إلى دفين بغداد الشيخ عبد القادر الجيلالي ، انتشرت بالمغرب خلال فترة دخول عرب بني هلال وبني سليم إلى المغرب بعد إبعادهم من طرف الفاطميين عن مصر ، ومنذ ذلك الحين أصبح لها أتباع وخدام بالمغرب يقيمون ليالي جيلالية وتأتر بها بعض ساكنة منطقة دكالة والغرب ويقيمون ليالي من أجل الجدب والتنفيس عن الذات خلال شهر رجب وشعبان من كل سنة ومن شيوخ ومقدمين جيلالة بالمغرب : ولد خديجة ، ولد سلام بالدار البيضاء وولد لشهب وادريس الرياحي وعبد القادر بن ميهة وأولادشومة بفاس وسيد المعطي من اولاد بركة بالجديدة والجلولى وولد الحوات بسلا ، وميلود ولد لالة رقية وأخوه من منطقة سيدي عيسى المخلوف بنواحي آسفي

    Hado li daro had lwejbat li fi had les album machi fir9a wahda, rahom jilala dial bezzaf fira9i dial fes. Abdelkader ben mouiha, driss riahi, si mohammad lachab, ba kacem la3uar, ouled ben talha, oulad chouma, chaib raso....

    Chokran ow ila.kan chi album 5or dial jilala hotto lina a 5oya.

  9. Replies
